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Re: HDHomeRun and Comcast

 Dan Ritter wrote: 
> Pretty much anything over 60% is workable. 

Ah, so signal strength may not be the issue, then. 

> The only tool I use to manage the HDHR is the hdhr_config program in Linux. 

I've installed that. Oddly the Ubuntu package for it came without a man 
page, or even usage instructions in the readme. I did, however, 
eventually run across documentation for on the Silicondust site. 

The only reason why I tried the Windows config tool first is that the 
description of the above package made it sound more like a 
driver/library, and I figured using a vendor supplied tool to test out 
the hardware would be a good idea before getting into the MythTV setup. 

I'll give it a shot and look at the script Scott mentioned. 

> It lets you update the firmware (highly recommended)... 

The Windows utility seems to be reporting a firmware version string that 
looks like a date from late April of this year. And that appears to be 
the most recent firmware available. I'm a but surprised the seller had 
updated it that recently, so it'll be good to use a second tool to read 
out the firmware rev. to confirm it. 

> ...scan channels and test with VLC. 

We are talking about the command line tool, no? I don't recall the brief 
Silicondust instructions for the command line tool mentioning how to do 
a channel scan. 


Tom Metro 
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA 
"Enterprise solutions through open source." 
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