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Windows virtualization and Linux

Good post Mark. Certainly, vendors like Microsoft would like to restrict =

the use of their software. Years ago, most software was licensed where=20
you had the right to use the software for a fixed period of time, and=20
you had to renew that license otherwise the software license would=20
expire and you would not be allowed to use that software. This is still=20
used in some venues. Microsoft's EULA has been under attack for a long=20
time, and they tend to change it frequently. Even  more today, they=20
would like to prevent it from being used within some other vendor's VM=20
since they are now selling their own virtualization.

On 11/15/2008 03:41 PM, markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at wrote:
> I'm not a lawyer and I'm not advocating stealing Microsoft's work in an=
> way, however, I do have a strong opinion about the enforceability of th=
> EULA W/R to ownership and operation of Windows.
> My dad once told me, that people can claim all they want, but that does=
> mean they have the right to do it. More to the point, the EULA may "say=
> you can't do something, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right.=

> Just like when major League Baseball says you can't many any copies of =
> portion of a baseball game without written consent of the MLB, this is
> clearly false and you can do what ever you want within the realm of "fa=
> use."
> Personally, I "own" many windows licenses. I have properly obtained
> multiple copies of the copyrighted work, I have properly compensated th=
> intellectual property owners at their requested rate of payment. I
> consider the transaction done. They don't get to tell me what I can or =
> not do with my copy any more than an artist can prevent me from either
> destroying or selling a painting I bought at a gallery.
> There is a *lot* of legal fighting going on as we speak about the
> enforceability of these sorts of clauses, and until there is a clear an=
> concise legal decision, I will proceed with common law rights of owners=
> and the fair use and first sale doctrines. Big corporation may wish to
> exert control over its customers, but we have laws to protect us.
> So, I use my Windows licenses that cam with computers and laptops I hav=
> bought to run Windows in a VM. If Microsoft has an issue with that, let=

> them try to sue me, I'm sure the FSF, EFF, and other organizations woul=
> love to pick up that fight.

Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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