Boston Linux & UNIX was originally founded in 1994 as part of The Boston Computer Society. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Building E51.

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[Discuss] network connection

One issue I frequently see is that the system tends to remember the
previous network. My Acer Aspire 1 (Fedora) generally connects to
various wifis with no problem. You might want to click on the icon and
and see if your local wifi is listed.

On 07/09/2014 08:33 PM, j. daniel Moylan wrote:
> i was off in maine for a few days, messed around with my network
> connections unsuccessfully and am now home in brookline and am unable to
> connect, with no idea as to what i may have screwed up.
> running xubuntu 14.04 oa asus aspire 1.
> /etc/network/interfaces looks ok, NetworkManager is running as well as
> nm-applet.
> ifconfig shows the computer on which is where it is supposed
> to be, route shows the asus router as the default gateway.
> i can ping myself at but not the router at
> any help would be appreciated.
> ole dan

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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