Installing Linux on large (1 gig) IDE drive

vcocco vcocco at
Mon Feb 12 22:08:16 EST 1996

I understand that Linux's root partition has to boot from under the 1024 
cylinder limit.  Knowing this, it seems as though I'll have to 
repartition my harddrive.  Does DOS/Windows have to boot under the 1024 
limit also, or can I put all of my DOS stuff on the other half of my IDE 
drive, i.e. on the second 500 mg partition if my drive is split in two?

I'd like to know how other Linux users make their large IDE drives 
co-exist with Windows and LInux.  Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Vincent Cocco
Suffolk University     email:  cocco at
Boston, MA 02108         fax:  617-573-8703

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