
Peter Breton pbreton at cs.umb.edu
Wed Apr 16 17:09:15 EDT 1997

> I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.  Most ISPs will not allow the
> same user account to connect more than once at a time, for obvious reasons. 
> Even those which allow this technically probably prohibit it under their
> customer agreements and terms of service.
> Linux does have support for IP masquerading, where a whole network can be
> hidden behind a machine with a single IP address, but this seems to be the
> opposite of what you want to do.
  With respect to highway1, they only allow one connection; the MAC-address 
based checks make it "impossible" to do otherwise (I put "impossible" in 
quotes because this only means impossible to normal human beings, not 
SuperHackers). There is supposed to be a 4-MAC version (for some extra 
$$$, natch) Real Soon Now.

 Apparently virtual LANs (such as made possible by IP masquerading, or 
the various Windows and Mac based proxy programs) are technically in 
violation also (at least according to highway1), but highway1 
has turned a blind eye, in fact there is even an internal newsgroup 
devoted to home LANs.


Peter Breton  pbreton at cs.umb.edu          PGP key by finger
Shave the whales!

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