Fwd: sparc prices? and April install fest

mark soule msoule at ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 25 06:52:37 EST 1997

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 13:13:21 -0500
From: Lisa Sullivan <sulli at redhat.com>
Status: RO

msoule at ix.netcom.com writes:
> **************************  PRICE? ***********************
> what is the price of those spacs? 

The price is $19.98 per, the same as the Intel version.  We changed the
pricing with 4.1, so that all three versions list at $49.95.



    John and Guy;

    I ordered two sparc versions, if you want to contribute $30.00 each 

to BLU and pay $20.00 to Red Hat then they're yours. Don't forget the 
donation you can write off for taxes next year. :)  If you want them 
I'll call when I get them, else we could advertise them with the 
install fest and get a few spacer's. 

    I also think she made a typo with $19.98 because we were charged 
$25.00 for the last set of intel's, I'll follow up on that one.


    April Install Fest;

        Howard Johnson's has two small rooms available for April 19th.  

The outline for the Install is something like this...

            Room 1  -   8:30 till 12:30 -   Install fest
                synopsis - get linux installed 

            Room 1 - 1:00 till 5:00 -   Linux basics
                synopsis - get printers and modems recognized, review   

                            linux basics

            Room 2 - 8:00 till 5:00 -   Networking with linux
                synopsis    -   review networking, install cards,       

                        setup a network.

    BLU's Cost:   ~$250, possibly less
    Install Fest Fee:   $75 both sessions
    Networking Fee: not decided

    Rationale:  New users will get linux on thier machines and go home  

       with working printers and modems.  The past install graduates    

        will learn how to setup networks which has been thier request. 

            Networking: Rodney has volunteered to do networking and the 

                        19th fits in with his schedule.  Refer to him   

                        if you'd like to work on the network team.
            Install fest:  none as yet.

1.          We'll be discussing this at the next meeting, but if        

            there are any questions please let me know now.  I'll try   

            my best to work with everyone's schedule as best I can.
2.      Is there any opionions about purchasing some O'Reily books for  

        the install fest?  We sent people away last fest with without
        resources and it didn't seem right to me.
3.      If everyone is agreeable to April 19th, I'd like to ask John    

        and Guy to put something up on BLU's web page.

                                mark j. soule

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