A interesting puzzle

Dale R Worley worley at world.std.com
Thu Jul 3 00:07:44 EDT 1997

   Thinking bigly, I would redesign the quality of the people who use
   the internet.  Create a society in which people find pornography boring
   and get-rich-quick shortcuts uninteresting, [...]

This sort of reminds me of Bertold Brecht's remarks after a fracas
between the old East German government and its citizens.  Even though
he supported socialism, he could still see government stupidity quite
clearly: "The government should dissolve the people and elect

The one thing you can be assured of is that you aren't going to change
human nature, and any improvement predicated on improving the populace
generally will fare as well as any product that people *should* want
to buy ... I.e., it will be a total failure.

That sounds very simple, but I can assure you that it is hard to rise
above the pride of despising the masses who want different (and less
refined) things than one wants one's self.


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