A interesting puzzle

rich clancey rhc at world.std.com
Sat Jun 28 10:06:59 EDT 1997

On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, Aamir Awan wrote:

--Hello Comrades:
--If the US govt offers you a trillion dollars to "re-design" the
--INTERNET, i.e increase the bandwidth, whatever it takes.
--What would you change?
--ps: please think big.

	Thinking bigly, I would redesign the quality of the people who use
the internet.  Create a society in which people find pornography boring
and get-rich-quick shortcuts uninteresting, and you've cleared out tons of
existing bandwidth.  Create a society of people who find advertising a
distasteful undertaking, resorted to only when absolutely necessary, and
you will free up nearly all of the rest of the existing bandwidth.
Finally, create a population with the social skills only to speak when
they actually have something to say, and suddenly the internet is
available to handle all the actual communication we need currently.

| rich clancey              PROWNESS IS ENDOWMENT  (musical prowness)         |
| rhc at world.std.com   "If parallel lines do not meet, it is not because       |
| rclan at cs.umb.edu       they cannot, it is because they have other           |
|                                 things to do."  - Nabokov                   |

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