July installfest - looking for volunteers

Ana ana at cyberdude.com
Sat May 17 10:25:38 EDT 1997

I'll be there!
I can help with InstallFest, and both basic/intermediate sessions.

Count on me,

At 08:01 mor 5/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>	general question:
>		To enable us to hold a July Installfest we need to know if we can raise
at least 8 firm commitments from volunteers.  For those who helped out with
the January and April installs you know how hands on an install can be. If
a July install happens we're also hoping to run a  "basic" and
"intermediate" seminar, course descriptions will be developed once we know
it's a GO!.
>						thanks 
>						Mark J. Soule
>					BLU installfest coordinator 

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