install fest & cook out

msoule at msoule at
Mon May 19 20:34:58 EDT 1997

	1st - install fest

	Date to be announced


		So far there are 2 solid volunteers, possibly 3 but I haven't 	heard form Guy. we have a long way to go to get at least 8. 
			JABR & Ana

		because it's July and a vacation month we'll need to get a 		general feel for volunteers before deciding which weekend.. 		definitely not the 4th. :)

		I'm looking into something outdoorsey.  There's a camp in 		sharon that has a hall that can be rented but they often rent out for 	weddings.

		If that doesn't happen, the Massasoit community college offers 	inexpensive class rooms but I have to followup on that one.


		I volunteer jabr's place and if that's not available, then 		maybe the state park in sharon is... see above.
					mark j. soule

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