Linux installfest

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Tue Apr 28 19:31:29 EDT 1998

On 29 Apr 98, at 0:54, Robert G. Brown <bob at> wrote:

> Our working solution to this problem is to have them sign a written disclaim-
> er, stating that they will hold the group and individuals harmless if there
> is any loss in data, theat they have taken prudent,reasonable, and nessesary
> steps to preserve their data, and that we are installing this software in good
> faith and without warranty expressed or implied, etc.
Remember that Murphy is alive and well. Be prepared for the something you  
didn't think of. One other thing we do is to obtain official boxed sets from one or 
more companies, such as Red Hat or Caldera. We sell those to people who want 
them. Most of the people who attend the install fests are those who need the 
handholding, or who have had difficulty with installation. Sometimes they are 
better off with the boxed set with a manual and some amount of phone support. 

We have had all sorts of issues. We've swapped out network cards, had 
incompatible video cards, laptops with no CD-ROM drives. We try to get things 
working for people who attend, but no guarantees. 
Gerald Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting

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