The halloween document...

Christoph Doerbeck A242369 cdoerbec at
Thu Nov 5 13:04:16 EST 1998

Richard Royston wrote:
> I believe that PC's were the first computers for which open source (or 
> whatever you choose to call it) was not generally and widely available from 
> the beginning. Microsoft and its hangers-on have used the extension of 
> computer use to non-traditional computer users to gradually force out much of

I don't know if this is really true.  I can't name a single colleague that
paid for PC software during the 80's.  Pirating software was like a hobby
(mush like collecting trading cards).  Had software for PC's been better
protected, I doubt PC's would've become as popular that quickly.

There's logic in my statement somewhere...

- Christoph

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