Linux Distributions

Glenn Burkhardt glenn at
Mon Nov 23 13:10:44 EST 1998

We've only been using RedHat, so most of my input will consist of complaints.

- - Each distribution changes from release to release, and I feel like I'm at
  their mercy.  The changes and choices seem somewhat arbitrary, and they
  haven't published (at least that I could find) a rational for the changes.

  We have a commercial product that includes Linux, and each time a new
  new distribution comes out, my code needs to be tweaked a bit to compensate.
  Nothing substantial, but enough to be annoying (include file location 
  changes, mostly).  
    - /lib/modules/`uname -r` is no longer a valid place to install modules
    - in 5.2, c++ support has been omitted from gcc; one now needs to
      use g++ (which is the egcs compiler); it gave me a surprise during
      a build
    - the admin tools have continued to be "improved", so talking someone
      in the field through a problem is "fun".

- - The installation support is slow and somewhat arrogant.

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