My experience with Redhat 5.2 FTP install using Thinkpad 560

Mark Spencer dreadnought at
Sat Apr 3 19:56:55 EST 1999

> I had the same experience when installing redhat 5.2 from
> It took about 3-4 tries before everything went ok. You definetly cant beat
> those connection speeds, though.

I browsed through some of the information from other 560 owners (thanks
Christoph!) but was not
able to find anything that matches my setup. One came close, but he was
running Redhat 4.x -
I'm assuming his X config files would not work on my system. It appears that
the DSTN model (mine!)
and the TFT model differ greatly.

I finally DID get X to display, but it appears to be in 320x200x256 color
mode. I really don't know
what's going on at this point. I used Xconfigurator and chose 640x480 and
800x600 in 8 bit, and
answered 1meg video ram and no clockchip settings. In addition, instead of
choosing generic VGA
this time in the Xconfig, I chose 800x600 LCD display. I'm in Afterstep now,
and just three of the
buttons take up 1/4 of the screen. ;)

Any ideas?


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