
Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Mon Apr 5 14:57:21 EDT 1999

Wass wrote:
> Hello BLU folks,
>         Is there an option on this listserv to receive all of the
> posts for a day in one daily compilation digest?  I'm subscribed to
> other lists that offer this option, and it really makes it easy on
> the mailbox.  I'd like to keep subscribing to the blu listserv, but
> if I must receive 15+ messages daily, I may need to unsubscribe.
Nearly all of the lists we maintain on the blu server have a digest
version. For instance, if you are on the discussion list and want digest,
the digest list is discuss-digest.
To move to digest, send email to majordomo at blu.org. In the body of the
message include the following 2 lines with nothing following them:
unsubscribe discuss
subscribe discuss-digest

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix

Subcription/unsubscription/info requests: send e-mail with
"subscribe", "unsubscribe", or "info" on the first line of the
message body to discuss-request at blu.org (Subject line is ignored).

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