How to make money with linux...

Mike Bilow mikebw at
Wed Apr 7 06:28:00 EDT 1999

Jim Michael wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

 JM> How about a Libretto and wireless lan? I think Sony or NEC
 JM> has something  similar with a larger screen.

I have a Libretto 50CT, which is now well supported under Linux.  The most
difficult part, the unusual PCMCIA floppy drive, now has a driver that has been
integrated into the mainstream floppy driver.  The manufacturer of the floppy
drive was very cooperative in turning over their NDA specifications to a
volunteer developer who was then permitted to release his driver source under
GPL, subject to the manufacturer's quality assurance testing.

Other Libretto models have larger screens.  The 70CT has a larger hard drive
and is twice as fast as the 50CT, but the same form factor and screen.  The
100CT is much, much faster and more powerful, and has a larger screen with
nearly twice as much surface area.  There are also a number of other models
which were never sold in the U.S., but which can be purchased through gray
market importers if you really want one.

Libretto users, like Palm Pilot users, often have nearly religious fervor about
the devices, and they form clubs and web sites.  See, for a noteworthy example,
"Adorable Libretto" (
-- Mike

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