2.2.5 kernel upgrade

Matthew Herzog mherzog at mediaone.net
Wed Apr 7 06:21:29 EDT 1999

I just last week did a clean install of RH 5.2 last week and spent a
great deal of effort getting WindowMaker 52 installed. All was well
until today when I endeavored to install an up-to-date kernel, 2.2.5.
Now I can't get a DHCP address from Mediaone.
I see reference to the Vortex/Boomerang driver when I "dmesg" and boot
up but when I did a "locate eth0" I found that the device was missing!
Yes, I checked the /dev dir
carefully and yes, it's gone. I have used xconfig and ./configure to
hack the kernel and made sure I selected the driver. I can't add any
specific card with netcfg. I screwed up the eth0 somehow in my stock
2.0.36 kernel, which I can still boot to.

I'm not sure what to do next . . .


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