Looking for speaker for gnu autoconf/automake

Christoph Doerbeck A242369 cdoerbec at cso.fmr.com
Thu Apr 8 12:40:50 EDT 1999

> Is it feasable to add time to the uptime value
> through /etc/inittab or /etc/rc*.d entries?
> At arbitrary times after a systems is up?

If not mistaken, I believe uptime gets it's starting time from utmp (utmpx).
If so, it's probably not very difficult to play games and improve your
yearly bonus for system availablity ;-)

I bet there's a perl module to muck with utmp.  Look at the source code for
uptime and see what it does...

Or even easier, write a perl program to "wrap" uptime, and then munge it's
output for you benefit...

- Christoph

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