GNU/Linux naming debate

Jerry A Clabaugh JerryC at
Sun Apr 11 23:57:48 EDT 1999

I have no flame insurance, so I also have no opinion on this subject.
But here is a table of the contents of
the SuSE 5.2 distribution:

Code Contribution Distribution for S.u.S.E. 5.2

          Package Name: suse5.2.codd
          Package Size: +514659722 bytes.

            1.uncredited: 82733250 (16.075%)
   software foundation, inc: 51254116 (9.958%)
            3.sun microsystems, inc: 38243234 (7.43%)
            4.the regents of the university of california: 23581801
            5.x consortium: 18163125 (3.529%)
            6.thomas g. lane: 8464917 (1.644%)
            7.the university of washington: 7832780 (1.521%)
   equipment corporation: 7206660 (1.4%)
            9.snns group, ipvr, univ: 4366722 (0.848%)
           10.aladdin enterprises: 4108079 (0.798%)
           11.silicon graphics, inc: 3680070 (0.715%)
           12.robert nation: 2465545 (0.479%)
           13.maorong zou: 2438025 (0.473%)

This table is at: .  I can't vouch for the
correctness of this table, but shooting
from the hip, nothing leaps out as being obviously wrong.

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