A couple of thoughts

David Kramer david at kramer.ne.mediaone.net
Thu Apr 15 14:51:43 EDT 1999

I was just looking at the web page, and it looks like a lot of the
content is at least two years old.  Not that a picture of somebody
installing Samba on linux is likely to win any awards, but maybe a few
pix of the current members, and certainly a shot or two of InstallFest
would be cool.  Does anybody agree?  Does anybody object?  I don't know
who maintains the content on the website, or how much free space there
is, etc.  Is this possible?  I have a digital camera and can
take/convert/retouch the pix.

Also, I saw a post (I'm not sure of it was on this list or redhat's)
requesting info on LDAP.  I'm very interested in this, though I don't
know how to set it up.  But along hte same lines, I am using IMAP
instead of POP3, for server-side folders.  I'm not an expert on it
(there's really not all that much to know), but I wouldn't mind taking a
few minutes at a meeting to talk about what it's good.

 __                               .___
|  | ______________    _____    __| _/  David Kramer
|  |/ /\_  __ \__  \  /     \  / __ |   Pegasystems, Inc
|    <  |  | \// __ \|  Y Y  \/ /_/ | 
|__|_ \ |__|  (____  /__|_|  /\____ |   617-374-9600 x6330
     \/            \/      \/      \/   kramd at pegasystems.com
If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, there's going
to be one big fight over where to set the thermostat.
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