Regarding the RAM disk and associated issues...

Bill Horne bhorne at
Thu Apr 22 12:06:10 EDT 1999


Thanks for following up.  You've filled in a lot of blanks:  funny how
DOS is so ingrained that I didn't realize someone might have done it
right the first time.

I thought of some other questions on the way home, and will toss them
out to the group:

1.  How do I measure the size of a partiton?  Of a directory?

2.  What is Texinfo and how do I use it?  The man page for ls says
Texinfo is now the authoritative source, and when I skimmed the texinfo
INTRODUCTION file, it seems to address only new documents.

3.  Why does ls -d (in RH 5.2) give only the current "." directory, and
not the other (sub)directory entries in a particular directory?

I'll think of some more questions later, but thanks in advance to
everyone for reading these.

Bill Horne

Kyle Rose wrote:
> Unfortunately, I had to duck out early, so I didn't get to speak
> further with the gentleman who asked about the RAM disk.  Jerry was
> right when he spoke about ext2's (the "official" Linux filesystem)
> performance, but the issues are more complicated than we could state
> in the available time, and so I am offering the following, more
> detailed explanation.

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