Mylex/Buslogic SCSI cards

Chuck Young cyoung at
Wed Apr 28 14:15:25 EDT 1999

Hi Mike,

A while back you had made a recommendation to Mark Spencer for a
Mylex/Buslogic SCSI controller card for his "box o' disks".  Would you
make a specific recommendation for these cards?  You seem to have a very
good understanding and some personal experience with them, so I was
curious to know which chip/model you would use if you were building a
linux machine today.

I'm only connecting 2 2.1GB HDD's to run a general purpose workstation
and will probably install RedHat 5.2 (2.0.36 based) until the ftp frenzy
wears off for 6.0 , but I can build a custom kernel if needed to do the
install. I do not need the LVD differential functionality and am not
planning on a RAID setup, just a POF (plain old filesystem).


Chuck Young
GTE Internetworking

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