VMWare install

Brian Conway dogbert at clue4all.net
Sun Aug 1 21:32:20 EDT 1999

I've finally gotten around to checking out all the vmware hype, and when I
go to install the sucker, I run into a problem because I'm running kernel
2.2.10 and not a kernel for which there are packaged modules.  It crashes
out of trying to build the drivers because it cannot locate
linux/version.h.  After thinking about it, I noticed that I've run
into this problem when trying to compile a few things (windowmaker, rxvt).
I've done a pretty-much-full install of RH 6.0, and all the libraries
should be where they need to be.  Where is this phantom version.h?
Perhaps a symlink I haven't put in?  Any idea on a package I may not have
installed that I should have?  Please help.

Brian Conway
dogbert at clue4all.net

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