Posting to the discuss list

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Wed Aug 4 07:13:01 EDT 1999

We have the discuss list set up to restrict posts to the address you are 
subscribed as on the list. (To prevent SPAM). If you have multiple 
addresses, please add them to the discuss-nomail list by sending email to 
majordomo at (from that address) with 'subscribe discuss-nomail' in 
the body of that email. That way you can post to the list from your 
alternate addresses, but receive only on those subscribed to discuss (or 
|  Gerald Feldman	<gaf at>                  |
|  Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting            |
|  ICQ#156300                                          |           |
Subcription/unsubscription/info requests: send e-mail with
"subscribe", "unsubscribe", or "info" on the first line of the
message body to discuss-request at (Subject line is ignored).

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