Now I can move ...

Seth M. Landsman seth at
Fri Aug 6 12:16:07 EDT 1999

	After lots of headaches and incompetence on M1X's part, they
finally got me a cable modem and a tech to actually turn the stuff on.

	Interesting points :

	1. They say RCN's cable modems are the same speed up and down
	2. The tech didn't flinch when I showed him my laptop booted into
Linux and said I wanted to install on this.  Basically, he needed to tell
his Boss a version of Windows, but never asked me to boot into it.

	Of course, I still don't have cable tv.  He also only split the
line, not install a new one which the customer service waste-of-space I
spoke to said that was absolutely necessary.

	Oh well, RCN will probably be here before my second month at the
new place is up ...

"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion" 

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