Who has a Sony Vaio?

David Kramer david at kramer.ne.mediaone.net
Mon Aug 9 23:28:00 EDT 1999

Somebody in the group has a Sony Vaio, the handheld one, but I can't
remember who.

I have an HP100LX (5 years old), and I love it, but it was discontinued
a long time ago, and its successor, the HP200LX, will be discontinued in
November.  I would normally use my 100LX till it dies, since I find it
amazingly powerul, and it suits my needs much better than a WinCE/Palm
computer.  The problem is that I see the handheld/palmtop market going
quickly towards pre-packaged, less modifiable, less geeky units like the
Palm.  The only things similar to the HP100LX (Libretto/PC 110) are not
being sold in the US anymore.  So I am thinking about replacing my HP
with as close as I can get to standard desktop power in as small a form
factor as possible.

And I think I remember your Vaio running Linux.

If you are willing to answer a few questions, please contact me.
DDDD   David Kramer                    david at kramer.ne.mediaone.net
DK KD                                  http://start.at/david.kramer
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DK KD  agree, is by accident.  That's where we come in; we're computer
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