XF86Config gives a bunch of errors "Command not found"

Rob Freeman rfreez at gte.net
Wed Aug 18 12:02:53 EDT 1999

Hello Boston Linux users!

I got a computer with a SiS620 video driver, currently listed as unsupported by Red Hat, and I am using RH 6.0.  On SiS web site, I found a driver for Linux, a file "XF86_SVGA"  I did as it said, downloaded and gunzipped it to the /etc/X11/bin directory.  Then the read me said to run XF86Config.  I found this file under /etc/X11, chmod-ed it to make it executable, and it just parses through each line of the file and says "command not found."  So I am stuck on this and it's probably something easy.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Rob Freeman
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