Flashcom DSL

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Thu Aug 19 15:26:13 EDT 1999

I got an update from my office mate who signed up for DSL in Bedford, Ma.
Flashcom just informed him that regular DSL service is not available :-).
He had signed up for 768K. They did tell him that IDSL is available in
his area for $90.00/Mo. This is a 144Kbps service. Apparently their
computer does not have all the details because it took them 4 weeks just
to tell him that they could not give him the standard 784K/384K ADSL
service. (Rates are $49.95/Mo for 384K/128K and $79.97/Mo for 784K/384K,
free installation and router). He has not made a decision yet, but price
wise for him it is a break even because he is dropping his residential
phone and ISP. 144K 24x7 service is still much better than dialup modem.
If he installs it, I'll report his experiences :-)

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix

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