KDE question on SuSE

Jerry Feldman gaf at blu.org
Fri Aug 20 10:23:16 EDT 1999

I had been using KDE fairly successfully until I downloaded a patch from
SuSE, and not, KDE will not execute anything through its panels or its
menus. I mentioned this in the metting on Wednesday, and someone mentioned
setting my path, which I have also tried. The other windows managers, such
as FVWM95 work fine. I have not yet tried GNOME. At this point, I plan to
back out the patch. SuSE uses RPM, so that should be easy, then just
reinstall KDE either from the 6.1 CD or download the latest KDE. 
Actually, the only thing that works from the panel is lock screen and
logout. This looks to me like the problem is not PATH related, but related
to KDE's comm protocol. 

Also, is there anyone out there who has used both KDE and GNome. I would
like to get an opinion. 

Jerry Feldman <gaf at blu.org>
Boston Linux and Unix

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