Warning: /boot/System.map

Subba Rao subb3 at ibm.net
Sun Aug 22 12:19:46 EDT 1999

I am running the Slackware 4.0 with kernel 2.2.11. Few days ago, I have installed tcplogd.
I can start the daemon fine. When I do the following command, I get this message.

$ ps x | grep tcplogd
Warning: /boot/System.map has an incorrect kernel version.
  182 ?    	S   0:00   /usr/local/sbin/tcplogd
  276  ttyp1 	S   0:00   grep tcplogd

What does this message mean? It is a long list for file names in it.
Yesterday, I did recompile a new kernel. No changes in the modules or devices.

This message appears, if try to grep for any process from the process list.

What is the System.map file? I am assuming that this is a system file and
is not be edited.

Any pointers or info is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao
subb3 at ibm.net
Disclaimer - I question and speak for myself.


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