Quicken/GNU Cash

Christoph linuxguy at ici.net
Thu Aug 26 00:14:31 EDT 1999

Jerry Feldman {75562} wrote:
> Right now, the only Windows application that I use regularly now is Quicken.
> I have been planning to use GNU Cash (http://www.gnucash.org/). It is just a
> matter of getting around to it. However, I have seen that Quicken is
> reported to work under Wine (http://www.winehq.com/). Most likely, I'll
> probably move the GNU, but in general, WINE seems to have gotten a new
> breath of life lately. 

It's funny you say this...  I tried Wine last night.  My wife's last tie
to Winblows is AmiPro (now called WordPro).  I still have my orginal
Dos6.x/Windows 3.11 install hanging around just so she can use AmiPro.

Anyway, it runs under Wine, but I found that configuring printing & fonts
is a real bear.  Not a plug-and-run kind of setup I was hoping for.  The app
also had some fairly serious screen refreshing problems (leaving lines
and boxes all over the document when pagin up and down).  To be fair, I did
not read any manuals while installing Wine....

| christoph
| linuxguy at ici.net
| http://home.ici.net/~linuxguy

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