IP Masq on Slackware 4.0

Subba Rao subb3 at ibm.net
Thu Jul 1 08:25:38 EDT 1999

I have installed Slackware 4.0 and am able to connect to the
Internet. But the connectivity is only for the Linux host. The other
systems on the LAN cannot connect to the Internet.

I have recompiled the kernal with IP Masq reenabled. Yet, the other
systems cannot connect to the Internet. They can connect to the linux

The routing table on the linux shows that the ppp0 address as the
default gateway. The "localnet" in the routing table shows eth0,
which I am assuming is the gateway to the LAN.

Is there any place where we have to mention that the ethernet card is
the masquerading device?

Thanks for any help.

Subba Rao
subb3 at ibm.net

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