I don't like KDE!

Christoph Doerbeck A242369 cdoerbec at cso.fmr.com
Mon Jul 12 12:42:38 EDT 1999

Howdy folks,

I thought I'd toss out my newest opinions of KDE (or RedHat's implementation).
Following my RedHat 6.0 install, I left my default window manager configured
for KDE, but after a while I decided that I prefer WindowMaker (personal 

For the time being, I left my wife configured for KDE. 

Here's my problem.  Everytime I log in, the devices in /dev (video, mixer,
floppy, etc...) had their owner changed (to wife).  Apparently, part of the KDE
login process changes owner of devices in /dev to ease access configuration.
But since I use WindowMaker, when I log in, I cannot access said devices.
So I'm left with having to redo the ownership of the devices.

My question are:
What part of KDE does this?
How do I disable it?
Does GNOME work the same way?

My personal opinion, this technique of changing access at login stinks!  

- Christoph

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