Samba 2.0.3

Anthony J. Gabrielson agabriel at
Tue Jul 13 09:20:00 EDT 1999

	I am having problems with Samba 2.0.3.  My machine can ping the
whole network, it just can't see the other Win 95/98 machines.  All the
other machines can see everything except my Linux box.  If I do nmblookup
beast (my linux machine) it see its self - nmblookup ppro (solaris intel
w\ working samba) it can't see it - nmblookup java (win98) still can't see
it.  from Ppro - well via nmblookup - it can see itself and java.  Okay
well thats my situation - oh and Ppro and beast are using the same version
of samba and the same smb.conf file.  I built the binary for Ppro and SuSE
built the binary for beast.


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