RCN vs Mediaone cable modem experiences?

Seth M. Landsman seth at job.cs.brandeis.edu
Wed Jul 14 23:50:00 EDT 1999

	So come a month from now, I'm going to start moving into my new
apartment and packing up my tried-but-true router, desktop, laptop and
various other network devices and place them on a shiny new cable modem on
the other side of Waltham.
	So my current apartment has a cable modem from mediaone, which has
been occasionally slow, occasionally non-existant, but not awful, and
definitely not as horrific as I've heard from friends in Watertown and the
	However, RCN could save me 20$ a month, all told, and I have a
historic beaf with Mediaone, and would love to throw my business

	However, I am also a grad student, and therefore work two hundred
man-hours a week, and depend on reliability of my internet connection.

	So the question boils down to, what types of experiences have
people had with RCN, and could you compare and contrast with Mediaone, if
possible? (esp in terms of Linux and maintaining an in-house LAN)

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