Grr ... I want my cable modem!

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Tue Jul 20 20:14:52 EDT 1999

In my experience with Mediaone I have never had a long phone wait. The 
other day, my wife needed them to fix something on the web site, and had 
to wait a while. I did find their sales people more closely related to droids 
than humans. I have found some of the customer service people competent 
and other incompetent. 

On 20 Jul 99, at 17:49, Seth M. Landsman <seth at> wrote:

>  Meanwhile, I'm now trying to get a mediaone sales critter
|  Gerald Feldman	<gaf at>                  |
|  Boston Computer Solutions and Consulting            |
|  ICQ#156300                                          |           |
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