Mediaone/Multiple Machines

Chris DiTrani cditrani at
Mon Jul 26 06:48:18 EDT 1999

Thanks to all who gave tips on setting this up. Once I got a machine 
working w/ two NICs (I thought I already had this done), which took all day 
Sat., it was very simple to get working.

I don't feel I know enough about this to write up a FAQ, and
is already pretty good and very applicable. I will share one tip: Unless 
you have experience getting multiple NICs working under Linux, save 
yourself a lot of possible trouble and buy two identical PCI NICs. I was 
trying to use one PCI and one ISA NIC and just couldn't get it happening. I 
know in theory this should be easy, and my trouble could be related to the 
BIOS on the old machine I was using, but it wasn't easy for me. After I put 
in 2 PCI NICs that use the same module, it was a no-brainer.


Chris DiTrani - cditrani at
Engineering - Cycle Software, Inc
(617) 576-6344

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