Good place to shop for IC's

Jerry Callen jcallen at
Sat Jun 5 00:03:34 EDT 1999

Circuit Cellar (the magazine) always has ads for places that sell off
old gook. Lemme see... 

<flip, flip, flip>

How about:

There's always E.L.I. on Hampshire Street in Cambridge, too.

For new stuff, I like DigiKey. They're not cheap, but they have a LOT of
stuff, and they are reliable. I've also shopped Jameco on occasion. Locally
there's You-Do-It Electronics (Waltham?).

Sounds like a fun project.

-- Jerry Callen                      Mobile: 617-388-3990
   Narsil                            FAX:    617-876-5331
   63 Orchard Street                 email:  jcallen at
   Cambridge, MA 02140-1328

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