Enhanced DNS (was Re: More RedHat ickyness)

Mike Bilow mikebw at bilow.bilow.uu.ids.net
Fri Mar 5 05:17:00 EST 1999

Rich Braun wrote in a message to Mike Bilow:

 RB> The zone file format hasn't changed, to my knowledge.

Note that some of the zone file elements may have different semantics, although
few people use anything that might behave differently.  For example, hardly
anyone even knows that the "secure_zone" TXT subject was available in v4, let
alone actually used it.  As you say, the changes were principally in areas
related to security.

 RB> And alas there isn't a snazzy interface for providing secure 
 RB> access for users to update DNS records remotely, something I've 
 RB> always thought should have been part of the spec.

DDNS is moving in this direction, mainly in support of dynamically assigned and
mobile IP addresses.  However, one of the benefits of the existing spec is that
is says emphatically nothing about how the zone files are maintained.  If you
want to develop a new protocol that uses some secure means of remotely editing
zone files, you can call if "REZFP" and implement it around DNS.  Nothing in
the DNS spec prohibits you from using PGP-signed e-mail to move zone file diffs
around if that's how you choose to do it.
-- Mike

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