Linux Tax software

Jeffrey Perry j.perry at
Sun Mar 14 14:00:19 EST 1999

Does anyone know of any Tax preparation software for Linux?
I have looked around a bit and found none.

This seems like a hole someone should be looking to fill.

GnuCash is a group working on a Quicken clone.

Anyone know of a group working on Tax software?

It would be a bit time consuming to enter all the forms. And encode
all the dependencies between the forms but it might be possible
if enough people agreed to do one or two forms - spending an hour or
two on each to encode it using a syntax which could be defined.

The form would be scanned. Then someone would have to encode the locations 
and types (including some range checks) of each field. The cells which
depended on this cell would also need to be encoded in this syntax as
well as info on how to calculate the field if it is a calculated field.

Just some thoughts...not sure I have time to start this but wanted to
hear what you thought.

Jeffrey Perry
j.perry at
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