Rich Braun richb at
Tue Mar 16 19:50:56 EST 1999

Hugh Rutledge asked...
> In order to interact with the Harvard computers next door  (many of my
> people also have accounts there),  I am now supposed to get hold of SSH.
> This will stop all the spies from stealing US secrets from the Harvard
> math department computer.  
> Redhat doesn't provide SSH because that is restricted technology.  Does
> anyone know of a convenient place to download it.

I have the Windoze version on my home PC, at

Hmm, I forgot the site from which I downloaded the Linux version, and
the company which is now heavily pushing SSH2 (the expensiveware
version) is successfully burying a lot of the public info about SSH1
(the freeware version).

So you'll find the Unix version on my system as well--I just copied it
from one of the machines at the office, where I'm also deploying SSH1
in an effort to make the root passwords more secure.  I'd have a DNS
entry for but I just switched ISPs and haven't gotten
around to updating it yet, hence the obscure URL.

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