BLU meetings - what would you like to see?

Mark Spencer dreadnought at
Thu Mar 25 19:50:21 EST 1999

Hi Bill!

> after they'd turned off their brains and switched to Windoze.  FWIW, I
> think the BLU should try to introduce technical professionals (e.g.,
> system administrators, engineers, IS managers, etc.) to Linux as an
> alternative to Windows.  Also, I favor separate classes for newcomers,
> coupled with the InstallFests.

This sounds great to me .. I have not yet been to a BLU meeting, but
recently joined the mailing list and have been reading the postings
regularly. I'm an IT director that is very new to linux. I recently
installed redhat 5.2 on my sparc2 at home and have had some luck with
installing and configuring various applications, but have been pissed off
more than a few times and had to take a few hours before going back to
certain apps. ;) I could definitely use help in person though - I can absorb
much more information when the room is populated with experts. I am just
scratching the surface of linux at this point, and would like to really
start to learn what I'm doing.

(If there is an upcoming installfest, I would love to bring a Thinkpad 560
and try to get my first intel machine running linux.)

> * A report on what hardware is required, with "Don't even think about it"
>   / minimum / average / "you're wasting your money" hardware requirements.
>   I'd especially like to see reports showing how users can put older
>   386/486 units back into service with <topic>.

I agree .. I work for a large (shall remain nameless! ;) ) agency, and we
have a couple thousand 386 and 486sx machines. Maybe I could set these up
with redhat extreme and we could break a couple DES packets sometime before
the end of the year.



Bill Horne
bhorne at       

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