To persons w/ a cable modem

Noah Fields noah at
Mon May 10 12:12:52 EDT 1999

I have apparently different experiences with RCN:

>I was a bleeding-edge adopter with them; got my RCN cable modem installed
>on 3/11/99.  The Somerville system is one of their first 2-way networks;
>in other states they have some 1-way (i.e. return path is via 28.8K or
>14.4K modem) installed.
>It doesn't work yet;

I was also a bleeding-edge adopters for somerville RCN.  And it really
*was* painful the first week.  But I was willing to put up with it because
my modem service prior to that was much worse.

Now the connection seems to always be up, and is quite speedy.  I get
between 50K - 120KB / Sec Down pipe, and about 20KB / Sec up if things are
really flowing right. I have had the connection drop for multiple hours on
a few occasions, which is worse than what my Mediaone friends experience.
But I am a satisfied costomer. (knock wood)

I have to say that their service person, who did not know a whole bunch,
did not have a problem with my configuring the linux box while he was
droping off the modem, he actually enjoyed learning about it.  He was not
totally sharp, but he was very nice, and really relaxed.

- N

Noah Fields :: noah at :: W 978.371.3480 :: C 617.699.4044
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