SuSE 6.4 & WP Office Suite

Glenn Burkhardt glenn at
Fri Apr 7 09:16:36 EDT 2000

>     And has anyone has any experience with the WordPerfect Office Suite
> for LINUX? I'd like to settle on that and StarOffice for my systems if
> it is a good as I had heard it WOULD be. I just need to have some input
> on its qualities before plunking down $150.

I can't believe you need to pay $150 for any Linux distribution, unless you're
after the telephone support some "server" editions include.

I've picked up Wordperfect for Linux at CompUSA for $20 with a $10 rebate, and
the $28 version of Mandrake I bought at BJ Wholesale included both Wordperfect
and Staroffice.

I've been a regular user of Wordperfect on Unix for years, and it's been fine.
The early editions for Sun systems were clunky, but there's been steady 
improvement, and I have no complaints about the Linux edition.

StarOffice seems to be the only package that does an adequate job at reading
Powerpoint and MS Word files.  Not perfect, but very good.

I've been using the presentation portion of StarOffice this year, and it's 
great!  But that's the only portion I've used for new compositions.

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