dynamic html images

Ron Peterson rpeterson at wallacefloyd.com
Mon Aug 14 18:09:28 EDT 2000

I'm trying to generate some PNG's on the fly, and include them in some
web pages.  The C program I'm using dumps the PNG data stream to
stdout.  I can dump the output to a file and it looks perfect.

I don't want to include a PNG file in an <img> tag, though, because some
stupid browsers cache it, no matter how they're configured.

So, no problem, I think.  Rather than point to a file w/ my <img> tag,
I'll point to the program.  Like <img src="/cgi-bin/tile" alt="blah
blah" width="512" height="512" border=0>.  Doesn't work.

Does /cgi-bin/tile need to output something differently than if it were
simply dumping a PNG to a file? 

I'm confused.  I thought this kind of thing was supposed to work.  No?


Ron Peterson
Systems Manager
Wallace Floyd Design Group
273 Summer Street
Boston, MA  02210
617.350.7400 tel
617.350.0051 fax
rpeterson at wallacefloyd.com
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