Help with scp access

Scott Ehrlich scott at MIT.EDU
Fri Jul 7 00:18:17 EDT 2000

Hello to all:

When trying to scp a file to multiple systems at once (using's
ssh-1.2.27 on a Slackware 7 setup to other Slackware 7 systems), I get:

Host key not found from the list of known hosts.
You have no controlling tty.  Cannot read confirmation.

What is causing this and how do I resolve it?

My command line is: 
% scp testfile scott at host1:. scott at host2:. scott at host3:. scott at host4:.

Host4 works fine, but the others give the error and fail the file
transfer.  A block transfer would be ideal to help save time.

A manual scp of the file to each host does work fine.

Any ideas?



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