Remote console query addendum

linuxguy at linuxguy at
Sat Jul 8 22:55:47 EDT 2000

I've been pretty satisfied with the Compaq RIB board.  It steals
keyboard and mouse and also has a battery onboard, so it'll allow
you to remotely power cycle the machine.  The card I have has a
network interface option with a HTTP service which allows a JAVA enabled
browser to console on.    The best feature though is that you get
remote access to BIOS menus too.

I'm still evalutaing other options as well.  Dell has a similar product
which I have not investigated.  There's also another product which
slashdot previewed a few months ago which I'd like to eval.

I'm from the SUN world where the OBP is the golden fleece.

| christoph
| linuxguy at

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