Stupid person

Brian J. Conway dogbert at
Wed Jul 12 16:23:13 EDT 2000

After all, no stupid questions, right?  I recently threw an ES1373
sound card into my desktop at work and it works just peachy on a stock
RH6.2 install.  One thing, however, is that it doesn't save the sound
levels when rebooting the machine, and /etc/rc.d/init.d/sound doesn't
exist.  This was formely in the rhsound RPM, which no lonber exists in the
distribution.  Anyone have a RH6.2 system that can run 'rpm -qf
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sound' or perhaps know if the information is stored
someplace else that I can enable?  I reboot my system periodically to fire
up the latest 2.4test kernels, thus it's of importance to me.  Thanks in

Brian J. Conway
dogbert at

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