Empty syslogs on Solaris

John Abreau jabr at blu.org
Mon Jul 17 12:39:22 EDT 2000

I'm finding that syslogd doesn't seem to be working right on any of the
Solaris machines at work. /var/adm/messages comes up empty most of the
time; it appears that the only things ever to get logged are the boot-time
messages from dmesg. Oh, and sendmail logs correctly to /var/log/syslog.

I've added extra rules to /etc/syslog.conf to log everything:

    *.info           /var/adm/jabr/info
    *.alert          /var/adm/jabr/alert
    *.notice         /var/adm/jabr/notice
    *.err            /var/adm/jabr/err
    *.debug          /var/adm/jabr/debug
    *.crit           /var/adm/jabr/crit
    *.emerg          /var/adm/jabr/emerg

However, whether I send a SIGHUP to syslogd, or stop and restart it 
(sudo /etc/init.d/syslog stop ; sudo /etc/init.d/syslog start), it still
logs nothing. I'm using /bin/logger to try to create new log messages.

What am I missing here? Is syslogd on Solaris 7 broken? Should I be
looking for an open-source replacement?

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
Email: jabr at blu.org / URL: http://www.blu.org
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj
"Working with NT is like trying to tune a watch wearing oven mitts.
 You can't get your fingers inside like you can with UNIX.

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