HTML Linking

David Kramer david at
Tue Jul 25 11:28:26 EDT 2000

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000, Randall Hofland wrote:

> Ah! I believe Scott has hit the nail on the head and this may also
> explain the duplicate mail I get from some of you (I had originally
> thought it was due to the "reply" to multiple senders but perhaps not)!
> Yes indeed, Knowledge is Power!!!
> Thanks for the input and I apologize to all for my errors in sending the
> URL information (it was likely due to sending in "both" and that can be
> remedied). I hope you all don't see this as another of my stupid
> questions or comments. I never noticed this on my own system, for some
> unexplained reason everything I send to "discuss" shows up only once in
> my mail. Most curious!
> Again, thanks for the help and profound apologies for my insolence.

I don't have the original email you sent, but based on the message Scott
sent, it looks like the issue is not that you sent two copies (many people
do that.  I think the return address SHOULD be the list but lots of
members disagree, including those making the decision).

The issue is that the web page was sent as a mime attachment to the
email.  Listing a URL is fine, but you sent the entire web page.  Is that
right, Scott?

What email client are you using?

Sincerely, from another who pisses off the listmembers with my subject
line modifications,
DDDD   David Kramer         
DKK D  Every non-key attribute depends on the key, the whole key,
DK KD  and nothing but the key, so help me Codd.
DDDD                                      (Sybase training class)

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